Animal Feed
Animal wellbeing is highly dependent on feed that reflects a well-balanced nutrition. A supply of high quality feed ensures healthier animals and animal by-products. Our feeds are produced by carefully selecting and blending ingredients to provide highly nutritional diets that both maintain the health of the animals and increase the quality of such end products as meat, milk, or eggs. We specialize in providing both poultry and cattle feed.
Cattle Feed
Cattle feed supplied in the form of pellet is an all-in-one form of feed that while made specifically for oxen and cows can be used for sheep, goats and nearly any other animal reared for their milk and meat. It is high in proteins and minerals along with other nutrients useful for beef and milk production. Cattle feed is prepared from oil cakes, agro-residues such as peanut seedling, grass, maize straw, wheat straw etc.
Poultry Feed
Chicken and poultry feed comes in three forms: crumbles, pellets, and mash. Pellets are generally better suited as they are essentially little compact cylinders of chicken feed goodness. One of the benefits of using pellets is that they hold their shape which means they won’t go to waste. They are also easy to manage, store and serve, pellets are the first choice when it comes to feeding your hens. We understand the dietary needs of your poultry from egg to chick to chicken and back again. We provided the necessary nutrients need at each stage of their life cycle and offer specialized feeds to fit each phase and prepare for the next to always achieve the highest level of quality possible for your poultry products be it meat or egg.